Tarragon '23 |
Products installed/used: AVI24EX Smart Oxygen system, EX 2.0 |
Installation time: 5 hours first installation, 3 hours subsequent installations. |
Precision design and extreme detail to tolerances define this Ferrari type carbon fiber experimental light sport installed with a 2-place system with a 152L bottle along with EX 2.0 CO Detector. |
Tubing and wiring are routed from the rear seat to the bottle in the rear baggage compartment and to the pilot seat for the button and pilot cannula ports.
152L bottle mounted via bottle clamp in the baggage compartment with Meso tank sensor ready to connect as well as tubing connections.
Pilot front seat arm panel is chosen for the system on/off button.
Pilot front seat cannula bulkheads are mounted on the panel between front and back seats above the pilot's right shoulder. (Back-up port mounted without red placard, installed later).
Rear seat cannula port is installed on the panel between the front and rear seat.
Rear arm panel with the AVI24EX control box mounted, wires connected, and tubing connected and routed to users and bottle in rear baggage.
Customer subsequently requested back-up line installed. Top bulkhead leading back to baggage compartment is connected to back-up regulator and routed to pilot seat.
Panel restored.
Behind the panel mounted CO detector, EX 2.0 (blue box). This Tarragon is powered by Edge Performance EP912STi. Note the attention to detail.
Tested and flown to AirVentur'23, ready to show off.
For more info on this plane manufacturer check out www.tarragonaircraft.com.