The Aithre Turbo Oxygen Maker includes a consumable set of sieve columns which are rated for 2000 hours or 2 years, whichever comes first.  Because the Turbo systems are used for life supporting functions in general aviation, the biannual maintenance is required to ensure proper functioning and high oxygen concentration output.

Aithre provides the 2-year maintenance in the United States and there are two pricing options for either service or exchange.  

Please call or email ahead if you have any questions or want to verify availability of refurbished units and service timeframes.  

Service ($895)

Under the service option, your existing Turbo is mailed to Aithre and serviced in the order received.  The service option includes a multi-point inspection, replacement of the sieve columns and the control circuitry, but does not include replacement of other broken or worn components.  Under the service option, a limited 2-year warranty is provided for any replaced components.  Shipment is included for the outbound leg from Aithre to anywhere in the United States, with a surcharge for international shipments.

Refurbished Exchange ($1495)

Under the refurbished exchange option, Aithre mails you a factory refurbished Turbo in exchange for your existing Turbo, resulting in zero down time.  You get a factory refurbished Turbo with new sieve columns and replaced hygienic parts, and your existing Turbo is mailed back to Aithre to be refurbished for the next customer.  A new 2-year warranty is provided for the entire refurbished Turbo.  Shipment is included for inbound and outbound legs in the United States, with a surcharge for international shipments. 

Note that the refurbished exchange is limited to refurbished Turbo availability and requires a refundable deposit that is returned after Aithre receives the existing Turbo.  

United States Maintenance Address

Aithre, Inc
1104 SW Matrix Loop, Suite 110
Port Orchard, Washington, USA 98367
Tel: +1 208 481 8310