Introducing the Healthview II

Introducing the Healthview II

We are proud to announce the Healthview II: the most advanced oxygen system controller and health avionics system ever created.

Aithre is proud to work with Air Avionics of Germany to bring the next generation Healthview II to our customers.  Air engineers avionics a series of low profile, high vis avionics screens that are modular.  One of three sized display heads can be used with their com radio, transponder, altimeter, ADS-B traffic systems - and soon the Aithre Healthview II. 

Air offers three DO-160 qualified screens, including panel mount versions for 2.5" and 3.125" cutouts and a portable RAM mount display, all of which have the premium quality one would expect out of Germany.  Air Avionics systems are very popular internationally with light sport aircraft and standard equipment in new performance gliders.

The Healthview II will be another module on the Air Avonics ATD series of instruments, which will operate to output all Aithre oxygen and biometric health information, and provide a rich set of controls over the Avi and Turbo oxygen systems, including 42 customizable fields along with per person dosage controls and injection adjustments.

The Healthview II with the ATD avionics screens are already approved under NORSEE for all Part 23 aircraft and will be available for all certified and experimental aircraft.  The Healthview II will be reverse compatible with all Avi and Turbo systems currently using the first generation Healthview.

The Healthview II with the Air Avionics ATD avionics will feature 42 customizable color health fields across 6 custom pages with per station control of oxygen dosing and Turbo injection control.  All Aithre devices will display either via BLE or the serial communication channels, including Shield, Metis, Avi, Turbo, and Illyrian products.

The ATD with the Healthview II is modular and can be optionally expanded to be an altimeter and provide ADS-B weather and traffic, but these expansion features are not yet approved for Part 23 certified aircraft. 

The Healthview II with the Air Avionics ATD screens are reverse compatible with the first generation Healthview wiring.  The new Healthview II is comprised of the ATD screen and the Healthview II data bridge that is essentially the same size and wiring as the first generation Healthview I. The cutout holes for the ATD display (e.g. 2.5" diameter dial) will be slightly different as the Healthview I was a rectangle cutout.  Power input is to the Healthview II and ATD will be 12-30V with a power draw of under 50mA.

The Healthview II with the ATD-57 (2.5") will be standard with all new Aithre Turbo Injection and Avi installed on demand systems and is available as a separate standalone unit.  There is a migration pathway for users of the first generation Healthview to upgrade to the Healthview II with the ATD control head.  The first generation Healthview I continues to serve many pilots and will continue to be supported and offered with Aithre systems at a lower price point.  

We are providing this information in advance of the AirVenture 2025 period rollout of the Healthview II.  This will help many customers with panel planning and upgrades prior to the busy show season. 

The migration price for users of the first generation Healthview I switching to the Healthview II is $1495 ($1995 retail minus $500), which includes the ATD-57 2.5" display head. 

Please call or email us if you have questions or are interested securing one of the first the Healthview II.