Carbon Monoxide- Keeping the Silent Killer at Bay, by Phil Lightstone, COPA October Edition

Carbon Monoxide- Keeping the Silent Killer at Bay, by Phil Lightstone, COPA October Edition

Aithre's carbon monoxide product suite is featured in COPA's October's Edition, in a great article by Phil Lightstone in which he discusses the danger of carbon monoxide and the devices that can help to save your life.
Aviation Consumer Cover Story - Nov 2020 Reading Carbon Monoxide- Keeping the Silent Killer at Bay, by Phil Lightstone, COPA October Edition 1 minute Next Oxygen and Your Next Adventure

Aithre's carbon monoxide product suite is featured in COPA's October's Edition, in a great article by Phil Lightstone in which he discusses the danger of carbon monoxide and the devices that can help to save your life. Phil highlights the engineering and accuracy of our products and how easily the Aithre Connect free app provides in-depth and active notifications. Phil a veteran in aviation technology, with over 30 years experience in the technology and aviation industries. 


COPA October 2020

Visit COPA: for full access to this incredible article.